A prominent Main Street location in the center of Middletown created an opportunity for the renewal and revitalization of a vacant and underutilized property. As a result of location and zoning requirements, the new building was programmed as a multi-use facility that included street level retail frontage and police headquarters functions. The new headquarters building was designed to create a strong visual presence and to honor some of the City's architecturally significant landmarks.

The building is organized on three levels: the lowest floor dedicated to police operations, the main level programmed for public access and community service areas and the upper level reserved for police, clerical and administrative functions. The building has been part of a significant rebirth of the City's downtown area and has been credited with contributing to the success of Department's community policing efforts.

AIA Connecticut Architecture in the Community Award, 2000
AIA Connecticut Chapter Design Award, 1999
The Real Estate Exchange, Outstanding Achievement, 1999
AIA Committee on Architecture for Justice, Justice Facilities Review, 1999
Middletown Design Review & Preservation Board,
Annual Preservation Award, 1999