The first casino for the Navajo Nation, Fire Rock Navajo Casino is a prime example of effective, subtle integration of culture and design.  The casino’s layout and placement of major components was influenced by the cultural significance of the Four Cardinal Points on Mother Earth.

The Eastern entrance to the facility is representative of Birth, Beginnings and Dawn. South represents Work, Industry, Play and Mid-Day. Therefore, the location of the main gaming component is located in this region. West represents Community, Gathering and Dusk and the Social and Familial aspects of the culture. This is where the bingo hall is placed. North represents the Elders, Rejuvenation, Cooking and Midnight, driving the decision to locate the main restaurant to the North of the building. At the heart of the building is the Hearth, featuring a warm fire that serves as a gathering point and a symbolic link between Earth and Sky.

The color palette and material selection for this project reflect the Four Sacred Mountains of the Navajo. JCJ looked to the surrounding landscape as inspiration for exterior finishes which feature multi-colored stucco, steel and metal panels. Creative layering of finishes, highlighted with bold, Navajo graphic motifs adds depth and dimension to the exterior.