David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center, formerly known as the New York State Theater, is home to the renowned New York City Ballet and the New York City Opera. Over time, renovations had been considered but agreement between the stakeholders and the performance companies had never been achieved and improvements were never undertaken. JCJ Architecture was retained to provide services for the first work to be done to this landmark Philip Johnson building since its opening in 1964.
The theater seats 2,586 and features broad seating on the orchestra level, four main “Rings” (balconies) and a small Fifth Ring faced with jewel-like lights and a large spherical chandelier in the center of the gold latticed ceiling.

Improvements include: refurbishment of the 2,650 seat auditorium, introduction of two center aisles into the orchestra seating level including new seats and carpeting; introduction of a seatback titling system; expansion and creation of an operable orchestra pit; replacement of the stage lighting system and addition of several new lighting positions in the auditorium; creation of a media center to allow for recording and broadcast; and replacement and upgrades to the finishes in the lobbies. The renovation was phased over two years and was funded through a variety of sources including a grant from New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and a generous donation from David H. Koch.